The Ultimate G.A.A. Odyssey

My photo
Brussels, Belgium
A journey of triumph and despair across the roads, railways and skies of Europe, sharing in the relentless mission to develop, sustain and grow a G.A.A. club in the backwaters of the Association.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Goal Setting - New Years Resolutions Need Not Apply

The only worthwhile insight I got out of Paul Galvin's documentary 'Galvanised' over Christmas was the bit about him putting a reminder in his phone about what his goals were for the year. On the same date every month he'd receive a reminder in his phone stating them.

I'm all about the goal setting these days. When you read anything about sports psychology you'll quickly get to this subject. Virtually every successful person in sport or otherwise will often start their story with a piece of paper and a list of goals. They say by writing down your goals, you somehow bring them to life and if you keep them somewhere that you will be forced to see them everyday then you will be faced with your commitment and be more likely to achieve them.

Last year, we gave the lads on the football team targets before each tournament. They were linked to block downs, dispossessions, not conceding goals, winning each half etc etc. Personally, I found them excellent focus points for the day. In my head I was always chasing down the targets. I don't think they got onto anyone else's radar though as I heard no mention of them. Fellas can dismiss this type of thing too easily because it may appear a bit fluffy or whatever. The mind is a powerful tool though and if it is focused it can make the body do things you didn't think it capable of.

At this time of year, everyone is heralding in the new year with a battalion of resolutions. I think the whole thing is a load of rubbish. What bearing does January 1 have on your life? Why should this be the day to change your life? Maybe it satisfies ones conscience to come up with a few feel good commitments. I'd give these so called resolutions a week or two before they become a distant memory.

From a G.A.A. perspective however, it is the ideal timing to lay out your goals for the coming year (although most should have started back in November!!). Training re-starts on January 27th with the first Benelux tournament at the end of March. Whatever goals a lad sets need to be relevant and realistic. Mine are pretty simple. In the short term, work hard in the gym to get the back pain free by the end of February. I was slack on the core work before Christmas so the problem hasn't cleared up and the clock is ticking faster now.

More broadly speaking, more balanced performances are needed this year. Since I was 18, I'd always start the G.A.A. season very well, a little more consistently than others. I put this largely down to the fact I was playing hockey for the winter and in better shape than other fellas come the start of the league. When I moved to Belgium, it was soccer that kept me fit and that also had me in good shape. It will be different this year as I'm not playing hockey or soccer so getting up to speed will be may challenge.

There is also another point relating to the 'balancing of performances' which is linked. As a team, we did very well in Benelux last year but faded horribly come Championship. So there is a question mark over me and the rest of the group; are we just good league players or can we step up and compete in the Championship. Yes, we have won it but we all know how crucial Gearoid and Micheal were to that. Last year, we capitulated after the likes of Laffan, Fridge, Hudson etc left. Myself, Olof, Keary, Sheanon and one of two more need to show that we can be the lads to have the big impact at the business end of things this year.

For now though, the goals remain simple; improve the physical condition (with some measurable targets), get injury free and improve the diet (pizza only once a week (!!), no fizzy drinks, severely reduced chocolate/biscuit intake) by the end of February. I'll get them down on paper, save them as my screensavers on the phone, laptop etc and take it from there!


Anonymous said...

Birthdays are better for resolutions.
Pizza once a week is a bit extreme. Twice a week is a more attainable goal I think.

harry @ said...

You may want to check out a cool goal setting tool: GoalsOnTrack