The Ultimate G.A.A. Odyssey

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Brussels, Belgium
A journey of triumph and despair across the roads, railways and skies of Europe, sharing in the relentless mission to develop, sustain and grow a G.A.A. club in the backwaters of the Association.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Temporarily Decommissioned

Crusher. Great nickname. Picture the man. Hulk like physique, a giant would barely fill his shadow. Or not. Our Crusher, Phil Cushen, stands 5"5, maybe 5"6 with a wiry frame. Without deep knowledge or inspection of the man, you might think a gust of wind would whip him away.

He went into a tackle last year, against a man towering at least over a foot above him and came out with the ball, leaving his man in a heap on the ground. The Crusher was born. Being the way he is, he hated the nickname at first and many who hadn't seen him play hurling or football probably thought it was a joke. Rarely has such a nickname stuck in such a genuine way.

As mentioned in my last blog, for once he came out worse in a tackle down in Lux two weeks ago. It was obvious some damage had been done and he was quickly whisked away to hospital. He returned none the wiser and was forced to sit through a couple of scans and an MRI before finding out his faith today.

He has done his cruciate and mediscis (spelling?). The doctor said 6 to 12 months. The man will be gutted. Few could rival his committment to his teams and few could match his impact on the pitch. Whilst we will temporarily lose him from the pitch, if I have my way, he will remain heavily involved.

In two weeks he will have the op and after that the road to recovery starts. The mindset of the injured and that of us looking in from the outside is naturally going to be different. Crusher needs to keep the chin up, have his op and then do everything he can do to get right. It can be an opportunity to get into the gym and strengthen up even more. Hopefully he can stay positive. We'll miss him big time but we will draw on him for our inspiration and motivation.

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